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How can organizations drive high performance?

A high-performance culture is something that enables successful organizations to stand out from the rest. High performance refers to a group of traits, skills, and behaviors that come together to produce superior results consistently. In other words, a group of high-performing individuals come together to create a super effective and high-performing team. However, multiple factors...

Why should organizations re-evaluate their performance management practices?

The performance and success of any company or business is largely determined by how well its employees can perform. Which is why, human resource managers nowadays are increasingly looking for intelligent and tech-backed ways to monitor and manage employee performance. And this brings us to the science of performance management, which involves a set of...

Hybrid work culture

Hybrid Work Culture and the Importance of Performance Management

Hybrid work culture is here, and from its looks, it will be around for much longer than expected. There isn’t much argument to the fact that hybrid workplaces are the way of the future. Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and managers alike have to attune themselves to the importance of effective performance management in this new culture. With...


Solving Unbalanced OKRs for Success

Adopting an OKR Framework is only half the battle. Ensuring that the program is on track to maturity requires careful monitoring to ensure that the OKRs are set up in a realistic manner and progressing in a balanced way. Here’s how you can ensure their balanced progress: Set up OKRs using realistic stretch goals. Track...


What The Olympics teaches about Performance Management

The Olympics have traditionally focused on drilling discipline into the minds of participants to block out the pain and focus on achieving greater milestones. Focusing on your top players’ competencies and enhancing their skills through rigorous training and useful feedback enable coaches to achieve the best for their teams. While it may be nice to...


Insights into Performance Management for Start Ups – An eBook

All companies differ in their business goals and requirements, and in their definitions and measures of success. Isn’t it therefore a little odd that most still use the same conventional approach to plan and monitor the performance of their employees and the company as a whole? The seemingly ubiquitous annual ratings-based staff appraisals and quarterly...